February 4, 2025 at 2:58 p.m.
Slime Time tournament winners
Fun times were had at the third annual Slime Time tournament Sunday, January 26th on Inguadona Lake. Hosted by The One Stop, The Longville Lions Club and The Anchorage Inn. Top honors went to the “Goo Getters” for bringing in a total of 96.5” for the win! The Slime Time tournament is an annual northern pike catch and kill tournament. The fish are filleted and donated to the Young at Heart club in Longville; proceeds for the event are donated to the Inguadona Lake Association that can be used for future walleye stocking. Thirty teams fished the tournament; ten of those teams brought a kid for a 3rd angler. Pat Murray donated special prizes for all the kids that participated. Inguadona Lake Association appreciates everyone who came out to participate and share their support!. Photo submitted.
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