October 18, 2024 at 11:04 a.m.
New Community Class Offers Reading Time for Grown Ups
A new community class being offered through Pine River-Backus Community education has the goal of strengthening individual reading habits and connecting readers to books. Chapters & Chat will meet monthly at Happy Dancing Turtle’s Old Main building. Chapters & Chat is intended to be a low-pressure way for adults to enjoy reading time and talking about books. “Sometimes traditional book clubs can feel like a big time commitment—from reading the book and then getting to the book club meeting,” said Jenny Hill who will be facilitating the classs along with Quinn Swanson. “Instead, Chapters & Chat simply offers dedicated reading time.”
Attendees are invited to bring whatever they are reading already (or intending to read). During the meeting there will be an hour of individual reading followed by a casual discussion about books and reading. “If you don’t have anything to read, please come and browse the Happy Dancing Turtle’s in-house library which has many books on all kinds of sustainability topics.”
Chapters & Chat will meet from 5:30-7 pm.Monday, October 28 and Monday, November 25 at Happy Dancing Turtle, 2331 Dancing Wind Rd SW in Pine River. Cost is $10. Register through Pine River-Backus Community Ed at prbschools.org/product/chapters-and-chat.
Happy Dancing Turtle is a nonprofit dedicated to growing good stewards of the planet by providing education, programs, and experiences for youth and adults that inspire wonder and empower change. For more information visit happydancingturtle.org.
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