March 29, 2024 at 2:54 p.m.
Information for 100, 75, 50 and 25 year news briefs was researched and gathered by Renee Geving and Cec McKeig from Cass County newspaper archives at the Cass County Historical Society.
100 Years Ago
April 3, 1924
Mr. Shelton of Remer spent the weekend at Federal Dam.
Mr. Chris Wendt shopped at Pontoria Saturday and had some lumber sawed at the Albrecht mill.
Stephen Boe of Kego expects to go up on the Range and work in a few days.
75 Years Ago
April 1, 1949
George Roth, who was among the oldest residents of Wabedo township died March 14th at the age of 84.
The Orville Woodruffs moved out to their home on Stoney Lake the forepart of the week. They sold their home in Hackensack to Rucker who lived on east Ten Mile Lake.
Grandma Mix, Mrs. L, died at her home on March 20th. She had lived in Cass County for 39 years.
50 Years Ago
April 4, 1974
The Ponto Knight Riders snowmobile had potluck and meeting at the town hall on March 25th.
A township fire warden dinner meeting was held at Thunder Lake at Deer Haven Resort on March 25th.
The Longville Lakes Area Social Club met Friday at the Cottage Café for an afternoon of card playing fellowship.
25 Years Ago
April 6, 1999
Amy Riffle of Longville was recently initiated into the Alpha Phi Sigma National Honor Society at Bemidji State University.
Floyd “Bill” Richardson was born June 27, 1938 in Grand Rapids. He married Margaret Karner in Remer. They moved to Remer in 1970 and he worked at Blandin for 30 years.
Amy Swanson, daughter of Ed and Marcia Swanson of Hackensack, was named to the Dean’s List at the U of MN School of Fine Arts in Duluth.
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