June 7, 2024 at 2:15 p.m.
Information for 100, 75, 50 and 25 year news briefs was researched and gathered by Renee Geving and Cec McKeig from Cass County newspaper archives at the Cass County Historical Society.
100 Years Ago
June 12, 1924
Margaret Culhane expects to plat the shore at the portage between Long Lake and Kego Lake, making frontage on both sides.
Twelve children who have been away at the Tomah Indian Training School are home for a summer vacation.
Mrs. Emma Bonga, sometimes known as Grandma Warren, is reputed to be the oldest woman living at present at Onigum.
75 Years Ago
June 10, 1949
Nellie Olson started working at the Bena Hotel on Saturday. She helped out at Cabin Camp during the busy season.
The Alec Wakes went fishing on Leech Lake and reported that the fishing was good.
Two Salutatorians, Lois Woock and Lynda Poland and Valedictorian Pearl Forest delivered speeches at the Hackensack commencement exercises.
50 Years Ago
June 13, 1974
MM3 Steven Hoopman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoopman, was selected as April Sailor of the Month.
Ole Hagen married Maret Broughton in Norway in 1901. He and Maret came to Walker in 1901 where he lived out his life. He was a farmer, lumberman, and laborer.
Kristine Mattila received a Bachelor of Science degree from Moorhead State College.
25 Years Ago
June 15, 1999
Tracie Knapp, Northland High School’s Valedictorian, announced her intention to attend Luther College at Decorah, Iowa and major in mathematics.
Tiffany Wagenbach, daughter of Ernie Wagenbach, has been awarded a $4,000 President’s Scholarship by the College of Saint Benedict.
Cindy Sellers of Federal Dam and Ron Wilson of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Warweg of Cannon Falls announce the coming marriage of Ronald Wilson and Hannah Warweg on August 7th.
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