July 5, 2024 at 2:28 p.m.
Cass County Board:

Commissioners approve emergency declaration due to June 20 storm

By Kyndra Johnson | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

   WALKER — Emergency Management Officer Chad Emery requested the board adopt a resolution for an emergency declaration for the June 18 storm during the regular Tuesday Commissioners meeting held July 2. It was reported as of that morning an estimate of $227,000 in damages had been reported due to the storm. The Minnesota public assistance threshold for Cass County is currently $69,151. This is the amount a county must reach in damages before being able to adopt an emergency declaration. 

   Emery reported during this storm there were strong winds, with a possible tornado, and heavy rain which caused power outages through the morning of June 20, downed trees and road closures due to washouts in area townships. The board approved the resolution unanimously.

   A public meeting was held in regards to the second reading and final adoption of an interim ordinance regarding digital and electronic signs within Cass County. Environmental Service Director Jeff Woodford and County Planner Scott Wold explained the ordinance stating it is to allow the county to place a moratorium on all Class A on-site and Class B off-site digital signs while the department conducts studies on the effects these signs have on the public. This ordinance is planned to go into effect August 1 and last for one year with a possibility of being extended for another year. The board requested the department work as quickly and efficiently as possible to wrap up the study inside that time frame, which Woodford said they were hoping to not take the full year to conduct the study.

Board Chair Neal Gaalswyk recognized Autum Crawford for one year of service as an Deputy Auditor-Treasurer II Elections/Licensing with a County pin and card at the Commissioners meeting. Photo by Josh Stevenson.

   With no one from the public present to comment the public meeting was closed. A question was raised on which type of signs were included with the explanation it is all on-site and off-site free standing signs. A motion was made by Commissioner Jeff Peterson, seconded by commissioner Scott Bruns and approved unanimously.

Board Chair Neal Gaalswyk recognized Kayla riedel for one year of service as an Records Clerk with a County pin and card at the Commissioners meeting. Photo by Josh Stevenson

   Election Administrator Pam Smith updated the board on the upcoming primary election. A sample ballot was shared along with explanation on what offices will be voted upon, those being U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative Congressional District 8 and also for Cass County Commissioner District 3, as there are three candidates currently running and only two will be placed on the ballot for Nov. 5. Smith also shared information regarding the new election law that went into effect June 1 stating that ballots will now be automatically mailed out to permanent absentee voters. 

   In other business, the county board:

   •  Heard from Nathan Wesenberg regarding the pending litigation concerning an easement and access to county land through the Wesenberg’s property.

   • Recognized Autum Crawford, Deputy Auditor-Treasurer II Elections/Licensing and Kayla Riedel, Records Clerk for one year of service with Cass County.

   • Awarded the Cass County Museum ADA improvement project to Hy-Tec Construction in the amount of $28,870, which will begin in October.

   • Adopted a resolution approving the amendment to the Cultural Resources Monitoring on the County State Aid Highway 70 transportation project in the amount of $12,642.80, which is the 20% local share of the total cost.

   • Adopted a resolution for support of the Shingobee Connection Trail underpass project and act as fiscal agent. Also the board heard from Highway Engineer Darrick Anderson stating Steve Bilben, with the Shingobee Connection Trail, has received two grants totaling $1.1 million. One from Minnesota Department of Transportation for $800,000 and the other from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $300,000.

   The next meetings are as follows: Commissioner’s board meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 16 at City of East Gull Lake, 10990 Gull Point Rd., East Gull Lakes; Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Land Restoration celebration, 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 17 at Leech Lake Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig School, 15353 Silver Eagle Dr. NW, Bena and commissioner’s board meeting, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 at the Land department meeting room in Backus.


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