January 27, 2024 at 12:36 p.m.
Hackensack garden classes scheduled
Do you have a green thumb? Make plans now to attend garden classes at The Hub in Hackensack (next to the Post Office) beginning at 10:30 a.m. and learn how to make that green thumb greener!
The first class is Monday, Feb. 19 and will focus on diseases of plants and trees.
The Feb. 26 class will highlight fertilizers, when and how to use them.
On March 11, Marigolds - annuals and perennials.
The March 18 class will focus on herbs and how to use them.
The April 22 planting class will be held at Country Garden Center on Hwy. 371 in Backus. The $18.50 fee includes basket, soil, additives and maintenance. They will hold your basket until the end of May. Plants you choose will be an additional charge.
There is no charge for the classes, however, free-will donations are appreciated.
For more information contact instructor Mary Parrish at (218) 675-5818.
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